Friday, July 25, 2014

Time Out

We took time last weekend to remember why Hawaii is so beautiful and to escape our small hotel room for a few hours.

Radar that sits on a steel frame on water
First, we headed to Pearl Harbor. We just drove around and didn't get out of the car to see any of the museums, but it was a beautiful base! The first thing you notice is a huge, white balloon which I learned is a large radar. The housing on Pearl Harbor was very tropical and the flora is amazing. I tried to get lots of pics but snapping photos behind a car window always turns out bad.

Wonton Ramen
While at Pearl Harbor, we went to the NEX (Navy Exchange, AKA Walmart for the military). This place was huge! All clothing downstairs (good stuff, too) and upstairs was like a Bed, Bath,, and Beyond. We grabbed some things we needed and headed next door to the commissary, which was also huge and had lots of selection. Much better than the one on Schofield, unfortunately, as it is 20 minutes from Schofield.We drove around some more but nothing else was very interesting.

The next day we headed to Kaneohe Bay, which is on the opposite side of the island. There's a military base there and the views during the drive were amazing! You have to go through tunnels in the mountains, which rise up almost out of no where. We saw the Marine base there and then had lunch at a Ramen restaurant. Turns out, Ramen is more than just cheap noodles and salt in a packet! I got Wonton Ramen, which came with a delicious beef broth and Japenese veggies. It was great!

On the way back we got some pictures at an overlook with Kaneohe Bay in the background.

After this stop, Bug fell asleep so we continued our site seeing and went to Diamond Head, a dormant volcano crater next to Honolulu. You can hike to the top of the crater but it was very hot and crowded, so we'll wait until another time for that. We were able to stop at a few scenic overlooks along the way and get some pics.
View of Koko Head, another volcano
It was great to get out and see the area while waiting for things with housing to come together. I forgot to include this pic last time, but here's Evie getting a bath the only way we were able to until our express shipment came:

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